Dec 6, 2010 - .NET #4

Futuristic Planet Quantum Image Welcome to PLANETQUANTUM.COM.

Below are four simple GUI demos written in the Quantum programming language illustrating aspects of WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) and XAML (Extensible Application Markup Language). Each GUI demo is accompanied by its Quantum "Source Code" and also "XAML" file if one exists. There is a "WAV" file accompanying the last GUI demo. You can see the Quantum "Source Code", see the "XAML", and play the "WAV" file by clicking on the provided URL links.


Source Code: ScrollBarDemo.q.txt .     XAML: ScrollBarDemo.xaml.txt .


Source Code: GoldenGateParkDemo.q.txt .


Source Code: GreekDemo.q.txt .     XAML: GreekDemo.xaml.txt .


Source Code: SpeechSynthesizerDemo.q.txt .     XAML: SpeechSynthesizerDemo.xaml.txt .

Example Output WAV: SpeechSynthesizerDemo.wav .