I presented my poster "Solving Integrals with the Quantum Computer Algebra System"
(PDF version) at the
ISSAC 2008
conference held in Hagenberg, Austria, at the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation
(RISC), July 20-23, 2008. RISC is an institute of the Johannes Kepler University Linz,
Austria. I had the opportunity to communicate some of my ideas, reconnect with some
old friends, introduce myself to some people I never met before, and hear new ideas
of the other participants of ISSAC 2008. Besides this, I also had the pleasure of
enjoying a fine banquet aboard a riverboat which travelled up and down the Danoub
river as well as an evening walking tour of downtown Linz, Austria. I would like to
thank the organizers of ISSAC 2008 and my wonderful Austrian hosts for allowing me
to be a part of this event. Some of my photos appear below.