Microsoft's ColorDialog (aka System.Windows.Forms.ColorDialog) can be used to solicit a System.Drawing.Color from the user. In the example below, a (ColorDialogDemo) function is used to create such a ColorDialog, and it returns the chosen System.Drawing.Color (if any). Example:
Currently, Microsoft's .NET doesn't contain a WPF version of ColorDialog. Quantum prefers newer WPF over older Forms. It would be neater for Quantum if Microsoft's .NET had a WPF ColorDialog that returned a WPF Color (aka System.Windows.Media.Color) instead of the subtly different Forms System.Drawing.Color. Quantum's automatic conversion between System.Drawing.Color's and Color's (aka System.Windows.Media.Color's) mitigates this annoying difference in many circumstances -- Such as passing the wrong type of color to a function, field setter, or property setter with an explicitly marked signature preference for the different type of color. Reference Manual: User Interface |