Greetings once again from PLANETQUANTUM.COM. Below are a couple screen shots of my
"early stage" Quantum Theorem Prover:


While nothing much of importance is going on here (yet), this is an existence proof
that the Quantum Theorem Prover exists. I'd like to say that I owe a great debt of
gratitude to the following book:
Currently, I'm concentrating attention on a few items:
Improved Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) decision procedure (maybe I should
say "MILP+" where "+" means "a little more")
- Multivariate Chinese Remainder Theorem
Application of
Hopcroft and Ullman's Theorem 2.4 to termination proofs of mutually recursive functions ("Theorem 2.4 If
is accepted by a DFA, then
is denoted by a regular expression")
"Programming by Contract"
"Design by Contract"™) as exhibited by, for example, the programming language