MyCat Exercise

Earlier, you made a personal copy of Quantum's file "~\\Demo\\HelloDemo.q" which you named "MyProject.q" and then edited to create your very own "MyProject".  You may wish to review Lesson 8 again before going on.  Now, in this increment, the exercise is to create your very own "MyCat" project.  Copy Quantum's file "~\\Demo\\PushButtonDemo.q" to "MyCat.q" on your own personal directory.  Replace every occurrence of "PushButtonDemo" by "MyCat" in your new file MyCat.q .  Next, locate the function _MyCatClicked in your file.  Change its action from (MessageBeep) to (PlayWave "~\\Media\\puma.wav") .  Then Load your MyCat.q file into your session, evaluate (MyCat) and mouse click the button in the MyCat window to hear your cat.