Unusual Expressions

Start Quantum again and reproduce what you see in the Quantum session below.

Quantum objects, _I and _Infinity, although they might look like Symbol's, are actually a Complex and an Infinity.  This is because Read treats _I and _Infinity as exceptions.  Expression () is an empty Expr.  Expressions 'f and `f are sugar-coated syntax for (Quote f) and (Bquote f) .  Symbols with funny print names have their names delimited by | characters.  The \ character is an "escape character" in String's and Char's.  Escape sequences \\, \n, \r, \', \" inside String's and Char's are converted to backslash, newline, return, quote, and double quote characters.  If you like C programming language strings, you will like Quantum String's.  Complex and Infinity numbers Print like Expr's, but they are not Expr's.   The good news is they Print like Expr's which when Read back in, and Evaluated, produce numbers equal to those you Printed.  The bad news is the Printed representation for Complex and Infinity numbers is somewhat misleading.  For example, you cannot Subst into a Complex number because a Complex is in reality an atom, not an Expr.